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How to scan a project folder for R packages to install
Inspired by a museum visit, I attempt to recreate the shape of ‘manifold’, a sculpture by Conrad Shawcross
Sparklines is a useful tool for visualizing time series data using small inline plots. In this post I demonstrate how to create sparklines in tables, using the gapminder data.
The plumber package is an “An API Generator for R”, written by Jeff Allen. The package makes it possible to turn any R script into a web service, and you can then call this web service from any language that can make REST calls.
The Azure Data Science Virtual Machine (DSVM) is a hosted virtual machine with pre-installed data science utilities.
Usually it is very easy to deploy your plumber APIs, but my first attempt at doing this on the Azure DSVM failed.
Gábor Csárdi and I co-authored the secret
package, to encrypt passwords and other secrets you want to share. The package enables secure sharing of sensitive information in R packages.
Hallo world! My intention with this blog is to write down random ideas on a variety of things I work on. So in this blog I explore the world of R, machine learning and statistics.